
yet another solo

by fallingskyline.

this one was supposed to feature "love will tear us apart" by joy division, but while editing i got tired of that song and couldn't be bothered to listen to it any longer. so i completely threw the edit into the trashcan and began again.

Some new STD Graphics

gritty kitty

Mr. Papaya (the friendliest of fruits) for Winton



The First Pas de deux, and Some Other Things

First, one of Baconweed's recent solos (though he's released two vids since, lol):

I think this is his best solo so far, the tricks are interesting and the editing is smooth. Good job baconweed...mmmmm...baaaconweeeeed...

As promised, the first in the Pas de deux series featuring Mark 'Beardy McFuckbag' Murderous and bene317, aka Barry the Baptist, aka Karl Hungus:

Untitled from Percy Standish on Vimeo.

As I recall, there were many complaints about the song used in the intro to this vid, by the Locust in case anyone was wondering. When did people become so uptight about loud music? If this is the trend, I have looked into the future and it is bleak.

Finally, I bring you Death (Skateboards):

Specifically, this is Patrick Melcher's part from 'Better Than Life'--it is fucking epic for so many reasons. Notice how he seems to be enjoying himself, he even smiles occasionally--remember when skateboarding used to be fun? Fucking revolutionary...


Yet More From the Vault...

First, one of my favorite videos--I give you 'Pas de Blues':

Monk did the editing on this one and its totally rad, plus the skating is gnarly to the max.

Next--Evan's (aka momadaddy123 aka SpacySatyr, damn that mufucka got a lot of names & shit) 'More Than a Game' vid:

And finally, some vintage bene (and friends):

Untitled from Percy Standish on Vimeo.

phew! Mega post.

From Hell and Scumbag graphics

The black background setting on our blog is hiding some stuff in the graphics below...

Corpsey's "Skullbird" on From Hell

To use them in game click here

Scumbag Clothing T-Shirt

To use them in game click here

An STD Quickie featuring bene317

That bene is cooler than a drug habit :P

Untitled from Percy Standish on Vimeo.


STD pas de deux: EURO Edition

a coproduction of
kuropotter from france
fallingskyline from germany

Watch more videos of Skate 2

bene was a great help with filming on that one

More From the Vault

ColdBlood's contribution to the STD Quickies series:

Untitled from Percy Standish on Vimeo.

This vid got straight slept on, but its a solid introduction to the team and the editing (by bene) is amazing! :P

An edit I made for Mark Murderous, it was supposed to be for his Battle Commander vid back when the United forums still existed:

Untitled from Percy Standish on Vimeo.

*Song is 'The Things We Say' by Gorilla Biscuits.

STD guinea pig graphics

if you wanna ride it go here: link


STD Presents: ...Till Death

The now infamous STD full length, watch it and get infected:

Untitled from Percy Standish on Vimeo.

pass: STD


this site is a work in progress atm

so nevermind the shitty quality and issues that my occur at te beginning

new solo "reelcycling" by fallingskyline